The Jokes:
Facebook had a 40% raise in revenue, Google plus has passed Twitter to become the second most popular social site and I heard somebody actually logged into their MySpace last week.
Blackberry maker Research in Motion has renamed themselves to Blackberry. That’s great, but if they really wanted to sell some phones they should of renamed themselves Apple.
I can’t believe all the Valentine’s Day stuff on sale in stores already. It’s like they just forgot all about groundhog day.
Groundhog Day:

This Saturday is Groundhog day. Only one film has ever been made about this holiday. Okay, that’s probably not true. There’s a lot of films that have been made in the history of this earth and I’m sure more than one them has something to do with February 2nd. But lets face it, there’s only one Groundhog Day movie we care about.
It’s been 20 years since Groundhog day hit the theatres. Lets take a look at some facts about the Bill Murray masterpiece:
In the Woodtock, Illinios, where the movie was filmed, there is a plaque that reads “Bill Murray stepped here” where he countinuely stepped into the puddle.
The scene where Bill Murray smashes the alarm clock and “I Got You Babe” kept playing actually happened. The crew destroyed the alarm clock with hammers to give it that just smashed look, but the song kept playing.
In the orginal script a spell was cast on Bill Murray by an angry ex causing him to relive the same day over and over.
Tom Hanks and Tori Amos were orginaly considered for the lead roles.
Director Harold Ramis estimates Bill Murray lived the same day for about 10 years.
If any of this puts you in the mood actually watch the film rather than just read stupid facts about it, it is available on Netflix streaming.