The Jokes:
Some experts think Milk may go up to $8 a gallon. It’d be cheaper for me to go back to drinking gas.
Unless the government pulls a miracle out of their ass (like Republicans and Democrats working together) tonight taxes will go up, important programs will have their budgets slashed and defense will be reduced. So know you have a real reason to drink tonight.
Tonight millions will watch the ball drop in Times Square. It’s be the most watched dropping balls since the kid from Two and a Half Men.
Top 12 Videos:
Another year is over. It really doesn’t mean anything. Just another day, another month. The biggest challenge will be trying to remember to write 2013 on everything.
By the way, here’s useless fact: 2013 is the first time since 1987 to have completely different numbers in the year.
Here, I present to you 12 of my favorite videos I’ve seen this year. This is not the top twelve watched by everyone, just 12 videos I liked enough to repost now.Why not spend the last day of the year the same you spend most of your days, watching stupid videos.
Okay, here we go in no particular order:
First up, what happens you cover part of the floor in an alley with glue? Well the Japanese know:
What does Jason do the day after Friday the 13th? This, apparently:
Shmoyoho are the kings of auto-tune. With the election they had some pretty great stuff out, but this is my favorite:
I don’t what is going on in this video. The title isn’t in English, it has something to do with Super Mario Brothers, and it’s only 7 seconds long.
Speaking of Mario Brothers, remember that horrible Mario movie from the 80s? If not, you are lucky. Here is some clips from that film with some nice commentary from the guys at Rifftrax/MST3K:
Can Jimmy Fallon make Barbeshop Quartets cool again? No. But this is the best attempt since the B-Sharps:
Cross one of the greatest shows with one of the greatest presidents and what do you get? No, not James K. Polk drinking at Cheers. You get this:
Here are some fake outtakes from The Dark Knight Rises. Make sure you watch long enough to at least see Bane’s musical performance.
Game shows are dumb. And so are many of the people on them. For example:
Man goats are weird. WEIRD!
What happens when you leave your car running in reverse and the acceleration gets stuck down? This. Let this be a warning to Hyundai owners:
Finally. From Brazil a video that could certainly never be made in America. The film makers would have lawsuits up the wazoo after all the heart attacks.