The Jokes:

Today is December 25th, probably best known as Boxing Day eve.

If you have not started your Christmas shopping, now might be a good time to start.

It seems the Christmas shopping season starts earlier every year. I’ve already started seeing displays for Christmas 2013.

Know what I Mean, Vern?
Know what I Mean, Vern?


Ladies and gentleman , may I present to you one of the best Christmas movies of all time: Ernest Saves Christmas.  Here it is presented in full on Youtube uploaded by someone who apparently care about copyright infringement.

Quick random fact about this movie: this film has the distinction of being the first ever shot at the Disney-MGM studio in Orlando. I’m sure this fact is conveniently forgot to be mention on the studio’s backlot tour.

Everyone get what they wanted for Christmas? I always ask Santa to make me not ask him for anything, but he never comes through.

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