Japan Uses Robot Security

In Japan, Sohgo Security Services Co. has introduced robot security guards for the mall. Sounds like a good idea, they probably be ineffective, have difficulty moving, and be a complete joke, just like real mall security. So we might as well go through with it,What could possibly go wrong?
Site Update
All past content will still be available in the past version section, just in case you think the new stuff sucks.
Labels: cheesegod.com, redesign, updates
An E-Mail From Bill Gates!
From: Your Friend
Subject: Fwd:Fwd:Re:Fwd(2):So amazing, i believe it!
>>>OMG! This is good!
>>To:Jfranco@nym.com; Danza@goober.com; chichenman87@aol.com; smith@agnt.net; crudpants@lol.com; amazonfoot@hotmail.com; gigglemeister@gmail.com; bawlsdrinker@msn.com; luverofluv@webtv.net; frank3434344333456677@aol.com; complexity11@webtv.net; countdoofy@thematrixonline.com; triel@hotmail.com;
lindemon@nym.com; orsulak@hotmail.com; fastslimmer@dryuim.com; sexxylump@gmail.com; segui@aol.com; vizcaino@ssplayer.com; bonilla25@aol.com; 75-80-83-91@grove.com; pepsidrinker@coke.com; dr.giggles@gmail.com
>>From: greenman@dallas.com
>>Subject: fwd:re:fwd(2): So amazing, i believe it!
>>Is this true? It's on the internet... so it must be... right?
Original message:
To: Flansy@tmbg.com; operatordot@aol.com; linnell@johns.com; millerman@bankodans.com; weiny@bandofdans.com; hickeymachine@borninagraveyard.com; beller@newbie.com; tkazinski@usps.gov; haverchuck@thebionicwomanfansite.com; treznor@nin.net; commander@theaquabats.com; beardedman@lirr.org; agent_skinner@morgue.com; lonelypie@buttsgalour.com
From: phishmeister@iol.com
Subject: Help me please,,
Hello friends,
I'm bill Gates. Owner of Micro-soft windows. I have a lot of money. I got bored. I just made new X-box. But what can I do now!!
Me and George Bush make a bet to see who can make the largest number. Bush is making his number by making war. His number is will be maDE with deficit. Big number.
I want to make my number with a windows. But computer runs on 1s and 0s. Those are small numbers. And what big numbers are on a computers! Credit Card!
Please send me your credit card number. I want to win this bet. To make the largest number i will cut and copy all the numbers to gether to make one big number!
If you help me and send me your numbers, I'll send you a $1,000,000 US gift certificate to iMusic tunes store. Also I'll give you a backrub! YOU LIKE!
I want to win, I'll be the new emperor of the Americans.
Please send you credit card numbers to:
Edarewod Orrobs
1346 Nanoc ln
Orrobs, is my number associate. He has his office in Indonesia for tax purposes.
I am the trusted rich man. I WOULD NOT TELL THE UNTRUTHS!
Bill Gates
Labels: bill gates, credit cards, email, scam