All Your Base
What the hell is this, you ask? Check out the video and this Wikipedia entry.
George Bush: American Tush
Click for higher quality image.
Burnt Toast
Click for higher quality image.
Top 5 WWW Embaresments
internet went from obscurity to majority, bringing much for it to be
proud of. You got your eBays, Amazons, and of course the leviathan
google. But the WWW would prefer you to forget about some if it's
less than stellar accomplishments.
So, for the hell of it let's look at some of those embarrassments
just to be a bitch and annoy the internet (why am I talking about the
internet as if it's a person, what in the world is wrong with me? Why
is urine yellow?
So here, in my opinion, are the top 5 embarrassments of the internet:
5) Hamsters Dance - Two friends bet each other to see who could make
a website that would get more hits. One of them thought a bunch of
animated gifs of hamsters and repeating one [very annoying] line of
"Whistle Stop" by Roger Miller would draw a lot of hits. And, for
some unknown reason, she was right. The site even spawned a dance CD.
Thinking about it even now want me to cry for the sake of humanity.
4) Peanut Butter Jelly Time - It's peanut butter jelly time! Peanut
butter jelly time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time. Peanut Butter jelly,
peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat!
Just repeat that over and over while picturing a dancing banana that
has about 5 frames of animation. The fact that this is what Internet users seemed to think of as entertainment boggles the mind.
3) Ate My Balls - When searching for anyone back in the mid to late
nineties you were sure to come up with a site about them eating balls.
And if you got curious enough to click on one of these sites you'd
surely must be dead now because you most likely would of committed
suicide right after. Some call it tasteless humor, but since there's
nothing actually funny on any of these pages, I think just tasteless
would fit it better.
All these were basically were pictures of TV show characters with word
bubbles exclaiming their love for balls. To just demonstrate how bad
these sites are here's one image from the "Kramer Ate My Balls" site"
Sadly, many of these sites are still up and running.
2) My Space - Holy crap! Can we please remove this piece of garbage
off the net. This site seems to have three reasons to exist.
a) To show off how many "friends" you have (Yeah, I'm sure all of you
and " Tom" and best buds).
b) So all you valley girl wannabees we can have a way to chat when not
using AIM, Cell phones, or GASP actually talking face to face.
c) And to for some incomprehensible reason put incredibly large
amounts of pictures, audio, and video in your profile. Every profile
on Myspace looks like it was designed by a four year old with a
learning disability. Why do you choose backgrounds that make it
impossible to read and text over it? And what is wrong with your
brain that you think every time someone visits your site they want too
some stupid rap video. I feel bad for people still on dial-up who
must have to wait 5 years for every page to load up. Actually, you
know what? I take that back. I feel bad for anyone who ever visits
1) AOL - This one pretty much explains everything previously
mentioned. There are tons of choices out there for an ISP… so why
would anyone choose AOL. Stupidity, that's why. Back in the late
nineties I could not open my mailbox without finding another dozen or
so discs. 2 and a half hours free, 10 hours free, 25 hours for free,
2500 hours free. I don't care how long it's free, I have no desire to
use your sub par email service and browser that looks like a Fisher
Price "My first Web Browser". AOL made it so easy to get online that
every idiot was soon able to log onto the "interweb." Soon wars
would break out on usenet everytime someone from AOL would post
something like "Me too!"
Even AIM has proven to be unusable with it's video ads, and if that
wasn't enough early beta reports show ads appearing between the text
of you friends messages to you in future versions.
Why would you pay $24.95 a month for this. Pay the extra $5 a month
and get broadband jackass, actually just stay on AOL, it'll make it
easier to identify the idiots.
Conan O'Brien's Window
Labels: conan o' brien, today show
Superman Returns!
I've included the comic in it's entirety for your enjoyment, click on the image to turn the page (or the words "Next Page," duh).

Next Page ->>>
Labels: superman
Novak says a naughty word
Here is video of Novak cursing and walking off the set. This video is in Windows Media format.
If the above link for the video does not work, you may also try this one.
Cereals of Yesteryear
Cones. A crunchy new cereal for breakfast, with the great taste of ice cream cones."
I'm just about to sit down a nice bowl of Frosted Flakes and I suddenly began thinking about some of the cereals I ate as a child. So, I think perhaps now be a good time to sit back and take look back in time... a look back in time all the way to the 1980's.
Here are a few of the cereals I can remember at one point sitting on my kitchen table:
Ice cream Jones
Ice cream Jones was a cereal that features Ice Cream... for breakfast! If you think that sounds stupid, shut up! Considering these days we got Reece's cereal and Smores cereal. Ice cream Jones didn't really taste like ice cream anyway. It did taste like ice cream cones, but who'd want that? Me, I guess, I ate it.
The cereal had little tiny cones and little kix like shaped “scoops,” which, if you wanted to, could actually be placed on top of a cone piece. Of course when all these pieces are floating around in milk it never really resembles ice cream.
Nintendo Cereal System
Mario Bros. & Zelda cereal! This one of those cereals I'm willing to bet I begged my mom to buy and then wish I never had. The box was probably better than the cereal... and the box isn't that great.
Dunkin' Donuts
You ever see that old Saturday Night Live Sketch where they are advertising a cereal called “Tiny Chocolate Donuts”. Basicaly it's just those tiny chocolate donuts from Hostess in a bowl with milk. Well, I wonder if whoever thought up this cereal was watching that sketch when they came up with Dunkin' Donuts Cereal.
Dunkin' Donuts, which like almost every other cereal, just pretty much was just more sugar oats. This cereal cleverly contained two different cereals in each box, chocolate & glazed. What flavor you'd get depended on if you opened it from the right or left side. The box kind of opened like a box of Nerds, speaking of which:
Yes Nerds candy was a cereal! Why? Why not I guess?
Nerds cereal by most people account was horrible and tasted like vomit. I don't remember what it tasted like, and that wasn't really the point. Each box came in two flavors that could be poured from either end depending on which flavor you desired.
You could also mail away for a special bowl that had a divider in the middle so you could keep the flavors separate. The divider could then be taken out so the milk could mix together when you were done. Genius!
Morning Funnies
I don't remember anything about how this cereal tasted, what it was suppose to taste like, or even what it looked like. That was all beyond this cereal's point.
Usually when your sitting at the kitchen table, eating your cereal, you just have nothing to do other than read the back of the cereal box. But that can get boring fast. Morning Funnies tried to change all that by putting comics on the back of the cereal. There would actually be a cardboard flap on the back that when opened would extend the box's back to three full pages of comics. Except the comics weren't that great. And you could easily read through all of them through one sitting. And once you'd read them, what was the point of eating the cereal anymore?
King Vitamin
There was nothing special about this cereal, which still exists to this day. But this is what I remember eat most often in my younger days. Most likely this cereal was very easy on the wallet, and that is why it found it's way into my bowl most often. The taste actually wasn't too bad either, but man, that's one scary box.
Oh well, there were tons more I ate I'm sure, but that can wait for another time.
If you'd like to read more about old cereal, check out Topher's Breakfast Cereal Guide.
Labels: crereal