Many viewers of the Michael Jackson television special earlier this month thought it was odd that he would dangle a baby out a window, then call it 'blanket'. But now Jackson has explained his actions.
Michael Jackson wasn't using 'blanket' has a nickname for the child, he actually thought it was a blanket.
"It's so embarrassing," Jackson told reporters while standing in front of a 'No Girls Allowed' sign posted in front of his bedroom, "I thought my baby was a blanket was just waving it out the window. It's the best way to get rid of crumbs after eating cookies in bed."
Apparently at the same time in a crib was a blanket instead of a child.
"It was easy to mix up the two," Jackson added, "The way I always keep that towel on his head. He kind of looks like a blanket, how am I suppose to tell the difference?"
Apparently this why he sleeps with children, because he also thinks they're blankets.
One reporter asked how he could be so stupid, but Jackson just called the reporter "ignorant."
Jackson wouldn't answer any more questions because he "had to take blanket out of the washing machine and put him in the microwave to dry off." << Home