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Little Known Facts
So, you can't get enough of "Joe Millionaire'? Do you want to know every little thing about it? Well, here's some exclusive facts has learned:
- Don't be surprised that 'Joe Millionaire' kept saying that the one girl had a nice "smile." "Smile" has long been a youthenism for "breasts" among construction workers
- Joe Millionaire is not his real name, it's actually Joe Minimumwage
- Money wasn't the only lie in the show, those pearl necklaces were actually candy necklaces. They lied when they said they bit it to see if they were real. They're all just fat heffers.
- There was a scene cut when the butler got pissed after 'Joe' kept saying Red Bull instead of Red Wine
- Being in a room with twenty women has always been a fantasy of 'Joe's.' Oddly enough having the butler there was part of it too.
- During the scene when 'Joe' is putting the necklaces on the girls he had to be careful to stay a step back or risk showing each girl exactly how 'happy' he was as he chose them.
- A large percentage of the audience for Joe Millionaire is male. Most of which cried during the showing because they saw 'Joe' getting twenty women when he lied, but when they lied they didn't get any women and wound up home alone watching Joe Millionaire.
That's it for now. Make sure to stayed tuned to our main "Joe" site for more as we get it. Also visit for more articles about other crap.